Japanese robot a tireless aid in dementia care

Pepper is a humanoid robot being developed by SoftBank Mobile Corp. to help provide indefatigable care for elderly nursing home patients with dementia.“Pepper,” a humanoid robot, is supposed to act as a conversation partner for elderly nursing home residents with dementia.

With a rising number of elderly people suffering from dementia several companies have started to focus on improving their quality of live. This robot is said to be the fist one able to read emotions.

More info: thestar

22 Simple Ways To Start Eating Healthier This Year

1. Cook a big batch of grain or beans once a week.

2. Drink your coffee and tea black.

Drink your coffee and tea black.


3. Remember this HANDy guide to help keep your portion sizes reasonable.

Remember this HANDy guide to help keep your portion sizes reasonable.

4. Harness the power of secret (healthy) ingredients.

5. Roast instead of fry.

Roast instead of fry.
Macey J. Foronda / Via buzzfeed.com

6. Start observing Meatless Mondays.

Start observing Meatless Mondays.

7. Always pick non-processed snacks.

8. When you’re at a bar or a party, have a glass of water in between every drink.


 9. Bring lunch to work at least once a week.

10. Make smarter snacking choices.

11. Eat all the vegetables on your plate before you eat anything else.

Eat all the vegetables on your plate before you eat anything else.

Ashley Rodriguez / Via buzzfeed.com

12. Use at least half whole-grain flour in baking recipes.

Use at least half whole-grain flour in baking recipes.

13. Join a CSA.

Join a CSA.

CSA = community-supported agriculture.

14. Drink seltzer instead of soda.

Drink seltzer instead of soda.

15. Eat savory proteins and vegetables for breakfast instead of carbs and sweets.

16. Use smaller plates.

Use smaller plates.

17. When you’re cooking eggs, use twice as many whites as yolks.

When you're cooking eggs, use twice as many whites as yolks.

18. Eat as many colors as you can every day.

Eat as many colors as you can every day.


19. Make smart ingredient swaps.

Make smart ingredient swaps.

20. Sneak seeds into everything.

Sneak seeds into everything.

21. Have a piece of fruit with breakfast instead of a glass of juice.

22. Try to eat meals that are at least half vegetables.

Chinese Doctors Perform Groundbreaking Spinal Cord Surgery

Chinese Doctors Perform Groundbreaking Spinal Cord Surgery

Spinal cord injuries are one of the most difficult medical problems to treat.

A new groundbreaking surgery has been carried out in China, giving hope that paralysed people may one day walk again. The regenerative stem cell treatment follows more than 10 years of research by Chinese scientists. The four hour long surgery was conducted in Tianjin.
Read more: Chinese Doctors Perform Groundbreaking Spinal Cord Surgery

The mystery of shellshock solved: Scientists identify the unique brain injury caused by war

Wikipedia definition: “Shell shock was a term coined to describe the reaction of some soldiers in World War I to the trauma of battle. It was a reaction to the intensity of the bombardment and fighting that produced a helplessness appearing variously as panic and being scared, or flight, an inability to reason, sleep, walk or talk. [1]

During the War, the concept of shell shock was ill-defined. Cases of “shell shock” could be interpreted as either a physical or psychological injury, or simply as a lack of moral fibre. While the term shell shock is no longer used in either medical or military discourse, it has entered into popular imagination and memory, and is often identified as the signature injury of the War.”

Now, a century after the first cases began to appear, scientists believe they have for the first time identified the signature brain injury that could explain why some soldiers go on to have their lives blighted by the condition.

Read more about it: source – The Independent 

‘Smart glue’ could someday be used to build tissues, organs


So far the nucleic acids used to assemble objects are nano-sized and making them into larger visible object is expensive.

Now researchers have developed a gel-like materials that they could inexpensively extrude from a 3-D printer. Furthermore they showed that human cells could grow in the gels, which is the first step toward the ultimate goal of using the materials as scaffolds for growing tissues.

Read more about it –  source: ACS