Breathtakingly Beautiful Places In America

Garden Of The Gods, Colorado Springs, Colorado

image - Shutterstock

image - Shutterstock

Palouse Falls, Washington

image - Shutterstock

image - Flickr / Ramanathan.Kathiresan

Grand Tetons, Wyoming

image - Flickr / jeffgunn

image - Flickr / tombabich24

Fly Geyser, Black Rock Desert, Nevada

image - Shutterstock

image - Shutterstock

Valley Of Fire State Park, Nevada

image - Shutterstock

image - Shutterstock

Painted Hills, Oregon

image - Flickr / Misserion

image - Flickr / H Dragon

Oneonta Gorge, Oregon

image - Flickr / jeffgunn

image - Flickr / jeffgunn

Grand Prismatic Spring, Yellowstone National Park, Wyoming

image - Shutterstock

Flickr / YellowstoneNPS

Antelope Canyon, Arizona

image - Flickr / Alaskan Dude

Flickr / Alaskan Dude


Medihoo is honored to present its first guest blogger: Dr. Mark Johan Ritzen – Psychiatrist and Medical Director from Luxembourg

Mark_Wand_1Dr. Mark Johan Ritzen

was born in the Netherlands, studied medicine at the Leuven University (Belgium); afterwards he specialised at the University of Cologne (Germany) to become a medical specialist in psychiatry and psychotherapy. Here his clinical focus lay at the early recognition of psychotic disorders and the treatment of schizophrenia. At the “centrum voor geestelijke gezondheidszorg” in Nijmegen (Netherlands) he worked in close collaboration with the Radboudt University to coordinate care for Patients with affective (mood) disorders in a region of about 150.000 Persons. In the meantime he worked as a expert-psychiatrist for the Cologne and Düsseldorf Court. Since 2012 Mark Ritzen works as medical director of the “Centre Hospitalier Neuro-Psychiatrique”, in Luxembourg. This hospital has 237 beds as well as a large ambulatory service and focusses on the rehabilitative treatment of psychiatric patients. He offers supervisions and workshops at the Luxemburg University.

National Geographic reveals the most amazing, environmentally friendly lodges in the world

Around the world lodges have been selected that excel in commitment to sustainability, excellence and authenticity. They furthermore have been chosen for their outstanding guest performance while maintaining cultural & natural heritage and embracing sustainable tourism.

Many of the properties even have come up with renewable solutions for their energy procurement and contribute back to the community in various ways.
